حار بيع نمط فاخر اليدوية غسل ناعم الذهبي الانتهاء من حوض واحد مكافحة الأعلى أحواض الحمام

اسم العلامة التجارية:موبو
اسم المنتج:حوض
Product Model:MP6055
وزن المنتج: 8-20 كجم
حجم المنتج: 400x370x155mm

The white and golden ceramic circular vessel بالوعة الحمام gives a simplistic yet elegant style to your bathroom. newest circular vessel sink resembles a fixture that has a place in the fine dining rooms of exquisite opulent palaces. Continue the aesthetic through-line into your bath. ideal for both home & commercial use. a versatile sink made from high-quality ceramic that’s extremely resistant to scratches and stains, and will not fade over time. the flat bottom style has softly rounded corners to prevent dust accumulation and facilitate cleaning. this modern design of a single sink will add style and appeal to any home. This product has a strong structure, so it is durable and easy to clean.

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